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How do oysters form pearls

22 Mar 15 - 08:10

How do oysters form pearls

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Dec 9, 2012 - Although clams and mussels can also produce pearls, they don't do so very often. Most pearls are made by oysters, and they can be made in

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how pearls form oysters do

Pearls are formed in Clams, Oysters and Mussels, and are found in many p. Incorrect the parasite will die When a pearl oyster is injured, or when it is attacked by a parasite, it will form a 'pearl sac' to contain the wound. Into this wound, the oyster secretes two proteins Oysters are not the only type of mollusk that can produce pearls. Clams and mussels can also produce pearls, but that is a much rarer occurrence. Most pearls

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Contrary to popular belief, pearls hardly ever result from the intrusion of a grain of sand into an oyster's shell. Instead, a pearl forms when an irritant such as a Saltwater pearls can grow in several species of marine pearl oysters in the family . Although imitation pearls look the part, they do not have the same weight or Man's hand holding oyster shell containing pearls of various sizes. Some pearls are cultured - they do not form by chance in the wild, but are helped byQuick Questions gives you the low-down on how oysters turn a tiny bit of gunk That explains where pearls

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